Post Pandemic Insights Validate Resident PreferencesAnyone in or out of local government who has participated in any public deliberations has seen...
Samantha Wagner
Survey Report: Residents Weigh in on Post-Pandemic Community Engagement Preferences
Post-pandemic data reveals how residents prefer to engage with their local governments. Are you ready to meet their expectations? Adapt your...
Survey Highlights: Post-Pandemic Resident Engagement Expectations
How resident preferences and perceptions impact the effectiveness of outreach and community engagement efforts.
Community Needs Assessment Guide
Check out our quick resource to discover how to develop a thoughtful, systematic approach for identifying and confirming the needs of the people you...
Practical Approaches to Weaving Equity into Public Engagement
DEI in public engagement: using civic engagement data to win federal funding In this webinar, we heard from local government experts who took a deep...
Strengthening IIJA Grants through Greater Representation & Inclusion
In this webinar, we heard from policy experts and engagement specialists who shared how using “equity mapping” of your community’s residents can...
Four Questions: A Policy Analyst’s Perspective on IIJA
Fiscal Policy Analyst, Liz Farmer, Talks Infrastructure, Disadvantaged Communities, and Public Engagement. Liz Farmer is a fiscal policy expert,...