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Pet Care Standards Survey
We are looking for your feedback to help the City of San Antonio develop new standards for pet care. State Laws and City Codes currently require pet guardians to provide pet care, including food, water,...
Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget
Attention, San Antonio residents! Your voice matters in shaping the future of our city!
The City of San Antonio is developing its Fiscal Year 2025 budget and we’re calling on YOU to share your...
Preservation Month 2024
Preserve the past, shape the future!
Join us for exciting events and make history come alive this Preservation Month!
Featured Boards & Committees

Audit Committee
The Audit Committee provides guidance and oversight of the Office of the City Auditor in the performance of its responsibilities, including municipal audits. Additionally, this committee shall serve as the Audit Comittee for purposes of the City’s external independent financial audit annually coordianted through the City’s Finance Department. The Committee shall also review and provide policy recommendations that promote transparency, accountability, and trust in City procurement and contract functions. Included in their charge is the review of high-profile contracts which shall be identified based on criteria in effect at the time. The Audit Committee comprises five members: three City Councilmembers and two citizen members. The two citizen members should be residents of the City and have applicable experience in financial and/or audit matters and should be knowledgeable in public administration, public financial and fiscal practices, governmental accounting, and auditing. The members serve two-year terms. Liaison: Kevin Barthold – (210) 207-2853. Support Staff: Ashley Venticinque

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 11 - Inner City
The mision of the Inner City Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of 15 members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local level. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Inner City TIRZ board here.

Municipal Civil Service Commission
The City Charter provides for the establishment of the Municipal Civil Service Commission (MCSC) for the purpose of hearing classified civilian employee disciplinary appeals for suspensions, demotions, and terminations, and to make recommendations to the City Manager regarding each appeal. The MCSC consists of three primary members and three alternate members, all of whom serve two-year terms. New commissioners are appointed through an extensive application, vetting, and interview process. A person appointed to the Commission must be mentally competent, a United States citizen, a resident of the City of San Antonio, a registered voter, and have no legal conviction of a felony. Liaison: Sarah Bilger – (210) 207-8719. Apply for the Municipal Civil Service Commission here.
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Featured Projects & Surveys
Fiscal Year 2025 Proposed Budget
Attention, San Antonio residents! Your voice matters in shaping the future of our city!
The City of San Antonio is developing its Fiscal Year 2025 budget and we’re calling on YOU to share your...
Pet Care Standards Survey
We are looking for your feedback to help the City of San Antonio develop new standards for pet care. State Laws and City Codes currently require pet guardians to provide pet care, including food, water,...
Preservation Month 2024
Preserve the past, shape the future!
Join us for exciting events and make history come alive this Preservation Month!
Vision Zero SA Action Plan
Vision Zero is a global initiative to end all deaths and serious injuries from traffic crashes. San Antonio joins the world in using Vision Zero policies to approach our goal to achieve zero traffic deaths...
Complete Streets Policy Revision
A Complete Streets policy improves the way San Antonio designs and builds streets and roads. Instead of prioritizing motor vehicles, neighborhoods are designed and built for the safety of everyone...
Charter Review Commission
On November 14, 2023, Mayor Ron Nirenberg appointed members to the standing Charter Review Commission (CRC), which was authorized by the City Council in 2014 to study and make recommendations regarding...
Know Before You Go Downtown
Downtown visitors should plan ahead for traffic, detours and parking
Downtown San Antonio can get very busy, especially on the weekends! Visitors are strongly encouraged to plan ahead and arrive...
Goliad Road Revitalization Plan
Learn more about the Goliad Road Revitalization Plan.
Audit Committee
The Audit Committee provides guidance and oversight of the Office of the City Auditor in the performance of its responsibilities, including municipal audits. Additionally, this committee shall serve...
The Amazing Preservation Race for Kids
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Airport Advisory Commission
The mission of the Airport Advisory Commission (AAC) is to advise the Aviation Director on matters affecting the City’s airports and air transportation initiatives to include noise compatibility issues. The AAC comprises 19 at-large members appointed by City Council to staggered two-year terms. A majority of members is required to meet a quorum. Eighteen of the commission’s members are voting members falling into the following categories: aviation industry: three members; community: six members; travel and tourism industry: two members; business community: four members; ground transportation industry: one member; airport business lessee: one member; and Alamo Area Council of Governments (AACOG) representative: one member. The one non-voting member is a representative of the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA). Liaison: Nicole Fowles – (210) 207-1666. Apply for the Airport Advisory Commission here.
Animal Care Services Advisory Board
The mission of the Animal Care Services (ACS) Advisory Board is to serve in an advisory capacity to the City of San Antonio regarding Animal Care Services through recommendations and reports concerning the same. The board consists of 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers; one member appointed by the Mayor; and three ex-officio non-voting members. The ACS Advisory Board is required to consist of one licensed veterinarian, one City official, one shelter operator, and one animal welfare organization representative. Each member serves a two-year term of office concurrent with the term of the appointing City Councilmember. Liaison: Marshall Bruce – 210-207-3338. Apply for the Animal Care Services Advisory Board here.

Audit Committee
The Audit Committee provides guidance and oversight of the Office of the City Auditor in the performance of its responsibilities, including municipal audits. Additionally, this committee shall serve as the Audit Comittee for purposes of the City’s external independent financial audit annually coordianted through the City’s Finance Department. The Committee shall also review and provide policy recommendations that promote transparency, accountability, and trust in City procurement and contract functions. Included in their charge is the review of high-profile contracts which shall be identified based on criteria in effect at the time. The Audit Committee comprises five members: three City Councilmembers and two citizen members. The two citizen members should be residents of the City and have applicable experience in financial and/or audit matters and should be knowledgeable in public administration, public financial and fiscal practices, governmental accounting, and auditing. The members serve two-year terms. Liaison: Kevin Barthold – (210) 207-2853. Support Staff: Ashley Venticinque
Bexar Appraisal District
The Bexar Appraisal District Board of Directors is responsible for hiring the Chief Appraiser and Taxpayer Liaison Officer, approving the District operating budget, and setting policy. It consists of five members representing various tax entities. Members are appointed by the governing bodies of the taxing units that participate in the District. As a participating taxing unit, the City is entitled to nominate up to five candidates to sit on the Board. Members serve a two-year term beginning on January 1st of even-numbered years and ending on December 31st of odd-numbered years and cannot serve more than all or part of five terms. The Bexar Appraisal District Board of Directors does not accept applications from residents or any other outside organizations or agencies. Liaison: Jennifer Rodriguez – (210) 242-2406. View Bexar Appraisal District meeting agendas.
Bexar Metro 911
The mission of Bexar Metro 911 is to deploy and maintain a state-of-the-art 911 emergency communication system that enables citizens in distress to quickly communicate their requests for police, fire, or emergency medical assistance, and to ensure member jurisdictions have the appropriate 911 tools necessary to efficiently and accurately receive and process those requests. The Board of Managers establishes policy and adopts rules for the operation of the District. The board may contract with any public or private entity to help accomplish the District's mission. The board appoints an executive director who is responsible for the District's day-to-day operations. Bexar Metro 911 is composed of representatives from the following municipalities and counties (in accordance with the Texas Health & Safety Code Chapter 772.306): The City of San Antonio; Bexar County; Comal County; Guadalupe County; The City of New Braunfels; and The Greater Bexar County Council of Cities. Each member serves a staggered two-year term of office. Bexar Metro 911 does not accept applications from residents or any other outside organizations or agencies. Liaison: Evelyn Losoya – (210) 408-3911.
Brooks Development Authority
The mission of the Brooks Development Authority Board is to promote and develop a vibrant, sustainable community that serves as a catalyst for progressive economic development and regional prosperity. The board comprises 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. Members serve overlapping two-year terms of office. Liaison: Sonia Veliz – (210) 678-3302. View Brooks Development Authority Board meeting agendas. Apply for the Brooks Development Authority Board here.
Building Standards Board
The mission of the Building Standards Board (BSB) is to partner with the community to build and maintain a safer San Antonio. The BSB addresses cases related to dangerous structures and properties that are in violation of the San Antonio Property Maintenance Code (SAPMC). The board also hears appeals from property owners who have received SAPMC Notices of Violation, as well as summary abatements. The board rules on issues of interpretation, intent, and application of code requirements. The BSB is a quasi-judicial, citizen-based board and has 14 members appointed by City Council: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and four at-large members. Members serve overlapping two-year terms of office and there is no limit on the number of terms that may be served. Liaison: Judy Croom – (210) 207-5422. Apply for the Building Standards Board here.
Building-Related and Fire Codes Appeals and Advisory Board
The Building-Related and Fire Codes Appeals and Advisory Board hears and decides appeals of orders, decisions, or determinations made by the building official or the Fire Chief relative to the application and interpretations of Chapter 10, Chapter 11, and specific articles in Chapter 28 of the City Code. In addition, the board shall review building-related and fire codes issues when requested to do so by the building official or Fire Chief, and shall provide a recommendation to the building official or Fire Chief. The board may form committees to advise it on specific matters, as the purpose of code review committees is to review the newly published codes and to receive public comments on these codes and their associated amendments. The board is composed of 34 members, of which 17 are primary voting members and 17 are alternates. All members and alternates are qualified by experience and training to act on building-related and fire codes and may not be employees of the City. Each member serves a two-year term with a limit of three consecutive two-year terms. A quorum is met if nine of the appointed members or their appointed member alternates are present for Appeals and Advisory Board and for the committees if the majority members are present; a committee shall have no less the four members and not more than seven members. Liaison: Jeremy L. McDonald – (210) 207-0265. Apply for the Building-Related and Fire Codes Appeals and Advisory Board here.

Capital Improvements Advisory Committee
The purpose of the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee is to advise and assist in the implementation of the impact fee process pursuant to Chapter 395 of the Local Government Code, which established a method for municipalities to impose impact fees for recouping the cost of off-site capital improvements necessitated by new development. The committee is responsible for making recommendations to the City Council on the adoption of Land Use Assumptions and Capital Improvements Plans, and on the imposition and recalculation of impact fees.The committee comprises 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member representing the extra-territorial jurisdiction (ETJ). The committee is required to consist of a combination of five real estate development and building industry representatives and six community representatives. Members serve overlapping two-year terms of office. Liaison: Patrick Middleton – (210) 233-3286. Apply for the Capital Improvements Advisory Committee here.

Charter Review Commission
A standing Charter Review Commission was authorized by the City Council in 2014 to study and make recommendations regarding provisions within the City Charter that should be updated because they conflict with current state law, do not reflect current practices, or have become outdated or obsolete. A Charter Review Commission consists of San Antonio residents who conduct research and solicit public input to make recommendations to the City Council to place any Charter amendments on the ballot for the San Antonio voters. Liaison: 210-207-6889 For information on the Charter Review Commission, visit https://www.sa.gov/Directory/Departments/CAO/City-Charter/Charter-Review-Commission.

Citizen Advisory Action Board
The Citizen Action Review Board reviews cases of alleged non-criminal misconduct committed by police officers. After reviewing the cases, CARB members make recommendations to the Chief of Police as to whether discipline is warranted. The board is made up of two independent boards: sworn and civilian. The board rotates members every six months. The sworn board has seven members of the following ranks: deputy chief, captain, lieutenant, sergeant, detective, and two officers. The civilian board has seven community members, who are approved by City Council. The deputy chief serves as the board chairperson. The Citizen Advisory Action Board (CAAB) is also commonly referred to as the Complaint and Administrative Review Board (CARB). Liaison: Joefrank Picazo – (210) 207-8430. Apply for the Citizen Advisory Action Board here.

City Council
Please see the San Antonio Mayor and City Council webpages for complete information. Mayor’s Office: (210) 207-7107. City Council Office: (210) 207-7040.

Climate Ready - Climate Equity Advisory Committee
The mission of the SA Climate Ready Climate Equity Advisory Committee includes advising City staff and City Council on the advancement of equity-centered implementation of the SA Climate Ready Plan and long-term sustainability plans, such as the SA Tomorrow Sustainability Plan. The Mayor and City Council shall appoint members, recommended by the City Manager and the Office of Sustainability. The Climate Equity Advisory Committee comprises 11 members total: 10 at-large members and one chair or vice-chair of the SA Climate Ready Technical & Community Advisory Committee. All are voting members and serve two-year terms. Liaison: Leslie Antunez – (210) 207-6323. Liaison: Olga Montellano Campos – (210) 207-6103. Apply for the Climate Ready - Climate Equity Advisory Committee here.

Community Action Advisory Board
The Community Action Advisory Board (CAAB) serves in an advisory capacity to assist the City Council in its role as the governing body for the Bexar County Community Action Agency (CAA). The CAAB advises the Department of Human Services (DHS) and City Council on the needs, concerns, and goals of low-income persons; recommends policies; and advises on the allocation of federal Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) funds. CAAB advises DHS Head Start, Training for Job Success Program, Financial Empowerment Centers, Emergency Assistance, and Ameri-Corps Vista. The CAAB acts in an advisory capacity to the City Council on the operation of the Community Action Program (CAP), and oversees the extent and quality of services for low-income individuals and families. DHS has operated the Community Action Program (CAP) since 1979 and is the designated Community Action Agency and CSBG eligible entity for Bexar County. The CAAB is a federally mandated tripartite board comprised of 15 members as follows: five representatives of low-income individuals and families; five representatives from private groups and organizations with an interest in serving individuals and families living in poverty; five elected officials, to include four City Councilmembers appointed by the Mayor, and one County Commissioner appointed by the County Judge. Liaison: Minerva Hernandez – (210) 207-5917. Apply for the Community Action Advisory Board here.

Community Health Committee
The Community Health Committee oversees policies, plans, and programs that affect the quality of life of our residents, including the protection and enhancement of the natural environment, public health, human services, climate preparedness, solid waste, libraries, and parks. Additionally, the committee oversees activities related to the stewardship of San Antonio’s unique artistic, cultural, and historic heritage. Staff support: Oscar A. Olvera 210-207-5171

Conservation Advisory Board
The Conservation Advisory Board (CAB) provides input and advice to staff and City Council regarding: the acquisition of sensitive land over the Edwards Aquifer and the appropriate development and stewardship of such land acquired, pursuant to the Parks Development and Expansion Venue Project (2000), and pursuant to the Edwards Aquifer Protection Venue Projects (2005, 2010, and 2015); and the stewardship and monitoring of conservation easements acquired under the Edwards Aquifer Protection Venue Project(s). The CAB is composed of nine members from each of the following organizations: Texas Parks and Wildlife Department; The Edwards Aquifer Authority; The San Antonio River Authority; The San Antonio Water System; The Parks and Recreation Advisory Board; The Economic Development Foundation; Medina County; Uvalde County; and the Director of the San Antonio Parks and Recreation Department. Serving two-year, concurrent terms, board members may be reappointed indefinitely so long as they remain eligible in a given category. Liaison: Phillip Covington – (210) 207-3003. Apply for the Conservation Advisory Board here.

CPS Energy Board
The CPS Energy Board of Trustees, in accordance with bond ordinances, governs the natural gas and electric utility. The board has authority and power with reference to the control, management, and operation of the electric and gas systems and their expenditures. The board consists of four citizens residing in each of the four geographical quadrants of the City of San Antonio, and the Mayor of San Antonio who serves as an Ex-Officio Member. Trustees must reside within the CPS Energy quadrant that they represent. Board members serve for a term of five years and are eligible to serve one additional term. Members receive $2,000 compensation per year; the chairperson receives $2,500 per year. The Mayor of the City of San Antonio receives no compensation. Applications to serve on the CPS Energy Board of Trustees are submitted directly through the CPS Energy website. Liaison: Tony Ramirez – (210) 952-5166 View CPS Energy Board meeting agendas.

Disability Access Advisory Committee
The mission of the Disability Access Advisory Committee (DAAC) is to work closely with the Disability Access Office as part of San Antonio's efforts to provide accessible City services, programs, and facilities for all residents, regardless of ability. The DAAC is composed of 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. Commissioners serve a two-year term of office. A quorum of six voting members is required to conduct business on the Board’s agenda. Liaison: Olivia Gaitan – (210) 207-7245. Apply for the Disability Access Advisory Committee here.

Economic and Workforce Development Committee
The Economic and Workforce Development Committee shall oversee policies, plans, and programs related to the vitality of the local economy, including the creation and retention of jobs, attraction of new businesses and private investments, support of small businesses, incentive policies, and growth of targeted industries. The committee will also review all aspects of the City's investments in education, workforce development, and training (SA Ready to Work), as well as provide recommendations and policy guidance that further San Antonio’s “Smart City” goals, such as enhancing cybersecurity, promoting digital inclusion, expanding municipal broadband, and pursuing economic opportunity. Staff support: Oscar A. Olvera – (210) 207-5171

Employee Management Committee
The Employee Management Committee (EMC) provides an avenue for employees, City management, and registered employee associations representing civilian employees to discuss issues and concerns related to employment conditions. The EMC is composed of City employees as follows: a representative from the City Manager’s Office; three City department directors; a representative from the Human Resources department; an organizational representative from each registered employee association; an employee representative from each registered employee association; and a representative from each EEO Category. The EMC is not a public-facing committee and does not accept applications from residents or any other outside organizations or agencies. Liaison: Laura Palmer – (210) 207-0089.

Ethics Review Board
The Ethics Review Board, as established by City Charter, is a District-appointed board with independent jurisdiction to enforce and sanction violations of the City Code relating to ethics, lobbying, and municipal campaign finance. The board strives to promote integrity, independence, and impartiality of service by City Officials, City employees, and others whose actions may affect the public faith in City government. This is done through the delivery of clear and timely advice, ongoing education, and fair enforcement of matters under the board’s jurisdiction and its powers granted by the City Charter, the Ethics Code, and the Municipal Campaign Finance Code. The board comprises 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. Members serve a two-year staggered term of office and are not eligible to serve more than three full terms of office. Liaison: Maria Elena Perez – (210) 207-0080. Apply for the Ethics Review Board here.

Fire and Police Pension Fund
The San Antonio Fire and Police Pension Fund (FPPF) provides comprehensive retirement, death, and disability benefits for the City of San Antonio's police officers, firefighters, retirees, and their beneficiaries. The FPPF Board of Trustees is composed of two active Fire Trustees, one retired Fire Trustee, two active Police Trustees, one retired Police Trustee, and three members appointed by the Mayor. Liaison: Warren Schott – (210) 534-3262 View San Antonio Fire and Police Pension Fund board meeting agendas here. Apply for the Fire and Police Pension Fund Board here.

Fire and Police Pre-Funded Health Care Trust Fund
The Fire and Police Pre-Funded Health Care Trust Fund – San Antonio provides comprehensive health care benefits for the City of San Antonio's police officers, firefighters, retirees, and their beneficiaries. The Board of Trustees of the Fire and Police Pre-Funded Health Care Trust Fund – San Antonio consists of two active Fire Representatives, one retired Fire Representative, two active Police Representatives, one active Fire Representative, and two members and two City Councilmembers appointed by the Mayor. Liaison: James Bounds – (210) 220-1389 View Fire and Police Pre-Funded Health Care Trust Fund – San Antonio board meeting agendas. Apply for the Fire and Police Pre-Funded Health Care Trust Fund Board here.

Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission
The Fire Fighters' and Police Officers' Civil Service Commission (FFPOCSC) is made up of three members appointed by the City Manager who serve staggered three-year terms. Appointed members must be of good moral character, United States citizens, residents of the City of San Antonio for more than three years, over the age of 25, and not have held a public office within the last three years. The commission members are appointed by the City Manager and confirmed by City Council. Commissioners may serve up to three three-year consecutive terms with additional terms subject to two-thirds majority approval of City Council. Liaison: Sarah Bilger – (210) 207-8719. Apply for the Fire Fighters’ and Police Officers’ Civil Service Commission here.

Goal Setting Committees
The Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) Ordinance requires the creation of a Goal Setting Committee (GSC), which votes to establish aspirational, segmented, and contract-specific small, minority, and women-owned business enterprise goals on City of San Antonio contracts/projects. The GSC is composed of five members from the following categories: City Manager designee (Chair) - one seat; Economic Development Department - one seat; Finance (Procurement Division) - one seat; originating department requesting the good or service – one seat; and citizens at-large – two seats. The citizens at-large are allowed to vote when reviewing contracts over $3 million and when establishing annual aspirational goals. The two citizens at-large seats are appointed by the City Council. Liaison: Michael Sindon – (210) 207-3957. Apply for the Goal Setting Committees here.

Governance Committee
The Governance Committee is responsible for proposing, reviewing, and referring new policy initiatives to staff or other City Council committees for action. Governance also considers policy recommendations from the Ethics Review Board as well as appointments to certain boards. Staff support: Megan Janzen – (210) 207-2085.

Head Start Policy Council
DHS Head Start must establish and maintain a Policy Council responsible for the direction of the Head Start program at the agency level. The Head Start Policy Council shall approve and submit to the governing body decisions about each of the following activities: Activities to support the active involvement of parents in supporting program operations, including policies to ensure that the Head Start agency is responsive to community and parent needs. Program recruitment, selection, and enrollment priorities. Applications for funding and amendments to applications for funding for programs under this subchapter, prior to submission of applications described in this clause. Budget planning for program expenditures, including policies for reimbursement and participation in policy council activities. Bylaws for the operation of the policy council. Program personnel policies and decisions regarding the employment of program staff, consistent with paragraph (1)(E)(iv)(IX), including standards of conduct for program staff, contractors, and volunteers and criteria for the employment and dismissal of program staff. Developing procedures for how members of the policy council of the Head Start agency will be elected. Recommendations on the selection of delegate agencies and the service areas for such agencies. The Head Start Policy Council is composed of 14 members who serve a one-year term, with a limit of five terms. Of the 14 members, 10 are parents of children who are currently enrolled in the DHS Head Start program and four are citizen members appointed from the at-large community. Liaison: Priscilla Garcia – (210) 206-1058. Apply for the Head Start Policy Council here.

HemisFair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation
The mission of the Hemisfair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation (HPARC) is to provide San Antonio with a vibrant, inviting, inclusive, and authentic park community. HPARC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit local government corporation established in 2009 by the San Antonio City Council. HPARC and the Hemisfair Conservancy work together to redevelop and activate the site of the 1968 World’s Fair into a series of three parks in the heart of San Antonio. In addition to environmental and cultural sustainability, Hemisfair has a goal of becoming financially self-sustaining. The Hemisfair Conservancy, an independent 501(c)3 with its own board of directors, was created to raise, manage, and allocate philanthropic dollars for parks improvement projects through generous contributions from a broad variety of individual donors, family foundations, corporations, and other grant-making sources. HPARC is governed by a 13-member board comprising 11 representatives from a cross-section of local stakeholders with certain expertise and two City executive staff members as assigned by the City Manager. Members serve staggered four-year terms of office. Liaison: Meredith Balzen – (210) 842-1003. View the Hemisfair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation board meeting agendas. Apply for the HemisFair Park Area Redevelopment Corporation board here.

Historic and Design Review Commission
The Historic and Design Review Commission (HDRC) reviews projects related to exterior changes to properties individually designated as landmarks within the following areas: a historic district within the City; a River Improvement Overlay (RIO) District (including the River Walk); a View Shed Protection district; or a landmark property that is publicly-owned (i.e. libraries, parks, fire stations, etc.). In considering whether to recommend approval or disapproval of an application for a Certificate of Appropriateness, the HDRC is guided by the Secretary of the Interior's Standards for Rehabilitation, the City of San Antonio's Unified Development Code, and any additional design guidelines adopted by City Council. The HDRC consists of 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. Members each serve a two-year term. Liaison: Meagan Lozano – 210-207-7991. Apply for the Historic and Design Review Commission here.

Historic and Design Review Compliance and Technical Advisory Board
The Historic and Design Review Compliance and Technical Advisory Board (HDRCTAB) members will review and recommend projects impacting historic properties related to repair and replacement materials, evaluate compliance cases and post-work approvals, and review OHP policy documents and historic design guidelines. The HDCTAB consists of 11 members: 10 appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. Members each serve a two-year term. Liaison: Meagan Lozano – 210-207-7991. Apply for the Historic and Design Review Compliance and Technical Advisory Board here.
Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + (LGBTQ+) Advisory Board
The mission of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer + (LGBTQ+) Advisory Board is to: serve as an advisory body to the City and City Council regarding issues actually or potentially affecting persons within LGBTQ+ communities or the LGBTQ+ community as a whole; create, guide, support, and evaluate LGBTQ+ quality of life initiatives in San Antonio; coordinate and/or participate in educational programs to promote equitable treatment, opportunity, and understanding of persons within the LGBTQ+ community; facilitate gatherings, such as meetings, institutes, and forums, designed to lead to building community and crafting solutions for issues concerning LGBTQ+ San Antonians; work with other City Boards and Commissions to address issues of intersectionality; and perform additional functions as required by City Council. The LGBTQ+ Advisory Board comprises 13 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and three members appointed by the Mayor. Members serve a two-year term of office concurrent with the City Council term. The LGBTQ+ Advisory Board should have a balanced membership reflecting the challenges and concerns of LGBTQ+ communities, and should represent a diversity of ethnicities, national origins, races, colors, disabilities, religions, genders, gender identities and gender expressions, sexual orientations, ages, and socioeconomic statuses. The Advisory Board should include members who are broadly reflective of and sensitive to the needs of the LGBTQ+ community's diverse population. Liaison: Samantha Smith – 210-207-8911. Visit the City of San Antonio City Clerk’s site to apply for the LGBTQ+ Advisory Board.

Linear Creekway Parks Advisory Board
The Linear Creekway Parks Advisory Board (LCPAB) serves in an advisory capacity to staff and City Council regarding land acquisitions, project design, and construction for a hike and bike trail system along San Antonio creekways using sales tax initiative funding and proposed 2022 Bond funding. The board is also tasked with oversight of long-range management and construction activities for recreation purposes on creeks and tributaries within the City of San Antonio. The LCPAB is composed of 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. Members each serve a two-year term of office concurrent with the term of the appointing City Councilmember. Liaison: Sofia Martino – 210-207-2270. Apply for the Linear Creekway Parks Advisory Board here.

Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women
The Mayor’s Commission on the Status of Women (MCSW) serves to foster a closer relationship and a fuller exchange of ideas between women of respective Districts and City Councilmembers; to further the equal legal, social, political, economic, and educational opportunity and advancement of all women and men; to eliminate discrimination on the basis of sex in all phases of American society; to promote the dissemination of information on employment opportunities for women in the public sectors, and to provide counsel when and if necessary; and to encourage women to assume initiative and accept their responsibility in the removal of legal and other barriers to the realization of their basic human rights. The MCSW is composed of 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor, along with two non-voting Associate Commissioners. Members each serve a two-year term of office concurrent with the term of the appointing City Councilmember. A quorum of six voting members is required to conduct business on the Commission's agenda. Liaison: Jenny Garcia – (210) 207-8357. Apply for the Mayor's Commission on the Status of Women here.

Municipal Civil Service Commission
The City Charter provides for the establishment of the Municipal Civil Service Commission (MCSC) for the purpose of hearing classified civilian employee disciplinary appeals for suspensions, demotions, and terminations, and to make recommendations to the City Manager regarding each appeal. The MCSC consists of three primary members and three alternate members, all of whom serve two-year terms. New commissioners are appointed through an extensive application, vetting, and interview process. A person appointed to the Commission must be mentally competent, a United States citizen, a resident of the City of San Antonio, a registered voter, and have no legal conviction of a felony. Liaison: Sarah Bilger – (210) 207-8719. Apply for the Municipal Civil Service Commission here.

Municipal Court Advisory Committee
The Municipal Court Advisory Committee shall recommend judicial nominations for full-time and associate judges, act as a liaison between the Municipal Court Judges and City Council, as well as any other duties assigned by Council. Staff Support: Megan Janzen, 210-207-2085

Municipal Golf Association - SA (MGASA)
The Municipal Golf Association-San Antonio (MGASA), also known as the Alamo City Golf Trail, is a non-profit corporation that has partnered with the City of San Antonio to manage and operate the City's eight golf facilities, to be stewards of municipal golf, and to provide affordable golf for all. In May 2007, City Council approved a 10-year management agreement with the MGASA to improve the golf facilities and to manage their operation. MGASA constantly improves the municipal golf courses so that San Antonio golfers will enjoy playing on premier courses at affordable prices. The MGASA Board of Directors comprises 15 members: six at-large members are appointed by the City Council, seven members are selected by MGASA, and two ex-officio voting members are appointed by the City Manager. Liaison: Thomas Aguillon – (210) 288-0341. Apply for the Municipal Golf Association - SA board here.

Office of Urban Redevelopment - OUR-SA
The Office of Urban Redevelopment (OUR-SA) (formerly San Antonio Development Agency - SADA) was established by referendum election in 1957 under Title 12, Chapter 374 - Urban Renewal in Municipalities of the Texas Local Government Code. OUR-SA, as the Urban Renewal Agency for the City of San Antonio, maintains the legal ability to acquire, hold, and dispose properties associated with approved urban renewal plans. Actions of this board are subject to all applicable federal, state, and local guidelines, statutes, and rules, as well as approval by the San Antonio City Council. The mission of OUR-SA is to prevent urban blight and slums through legal activities such as slum clearance, redevelopment, rehabilitation, and conservation. OUR-SA comprises seven commissioners duly appointed by the Mayor. Commissioners serve staggered two-year terms and there is no limit on the number of terms that may be served. Commissioners are required to be residents of the City and shall be owners of real property. Liaison: Edgar Olivas – (210) 207-7805. Apply for the Office of Urban Redevelopment - OUR-SA commission here.
Opportunity Home San Antonio
For more than 80 years, the Board of Directors of Opportunity Home San Antonio (formerly known as the San Antonio Housing Authority [SAHA]) has helped San Antonians access quality affordable housing and social services, created dynamic and thriving neighborhoods, invested in the growth and development of the community, and assisted residents achieve financial independence so they can become first-time homeowners. Opportunity Home San Antonio manages and controls the low-rent housing units of the City, and has the power to hire technical experts and such other officers, agents, and employees, permanent and temporary, and determines their duties and compensations. The board consists of seven members appointed by the Mayor for staggered two-year terms of office. Two members must be tenants of a public housing project managed by Opportunity Home San Antonio. Liaison: Marissa Perez – (210) 477-6056 View the Opportunity Home San Antonio board meeting agendas. Apply for the Opportunity Home San Antonio board here.

Parks and Recreation Board
The Parks and Recreation Board serves in an advisory capacity to the community on issues affecting the Parks and Recreation Department. The board shall, as the voice of the community, advise the Parks and Recreation Department and City Council regarding community recreational facilities and services, needs and desires, and recreation programming. The board shall promote public awareness of the public recreational facilities and services provided by the City and encourage community participation in those programs. The board is composed of 11 voting members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers, one member appointed by the Mayor, and two non-voting members from the San Antonio Parks Foundation and the San Antonio Conservation Society. Members each serve a two-year term of office concurrent with the term of the appointing City Councilmember. There is no limit to the number of terms that may be served. Liaison: Reena Gonzalez – 210-207-2225. Apply for the Parks and Recreation Board here.

Planning and Community Development Committee
The Planning and Community Development Committee oversees policies, plans, and programs that promote orderly growth and development of the City, as well as issues that serve to preserve the integrity of our city’s neighborhoods, including SA Tomorrow, the Strategic Plan to Respond to Homelessness, UDC policies, the Strategic Housing Implementation Plan, and other long-term housing plans as they relate to the five housing policy actions outlined in the Housing Policy Framework. Staff support: Roger Gonzalez – (210) 207-2003.

Planning Commission
The Planning Commission has the principal duty of acting as an advisory body to City Council regarding both amendments to the Master Plan of the City and the Unified Development Code. The commission also serves as a final authority pertaining to subdivision plats within the City of San Antonio city limits and within the Extraterritorial Jurisdiction. The commission comprises nine at-large citizen members: the City Manager (ex-officio), a Councilmember (ex-officio), the Zoning Commission Chair, and the Zoning Board of Adjustment Chair. Members serve overlapping two-year terms of office and there is no limit on the number of terms that may be served by members; however, the Planning Commission Chair is limited to serving two terms. Liaison: Monica Reyes-Urdiales – (210) 207-6310. Apply for the Planning Commission here.

Port Authority of San Antonio
Port San Antonio is the public entity charged with the redevelopment of approximately 1,900 acres that were once part of the former Kelly Air Force Base. The large campus in southwest San Antonio is a leading economic engine for the region, with significant plans for further growth. It is home to numerous private- and public-sector tenant customers that directly employ thousands of people from throughout the community. Those individuals work at the Port in sectors that include aerospace, cybersecurity, defense, applied technology, advanced manufacturing, and global logistics, among others. This employment base generates billions of dollars in regional economic activity each year and has been steadily growing since the organization was first created. The Port's strategic vision to keep attracting and expanding leading industries is based on the organization's continued growth as a center of technological innovation. Specifically, the Port is focused on promoting collaboration among industries on its campus and throughout San Antonio to support the evolution of cybersecurity and other digital technologies to sectors that are well-established in San Antonio. The Port Authority of San Antonio is composed of 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. Members each serve a two-year term of office concurrent with the term of the appointing City Councilmember. Liaison: Caroline Diaz - (210) 362-7820. View Port Authority of San Antonio meeting agendas. Apply for the Port Authority of San Antonio board here.

Prosper West (formerly Westside Development Corporation)
The mission of Prosper West San Antonio, formerly known as Westside Development Corporation, is to foster economic development, promote the development and redevelopment of real estate within its target area, create viable urban communities, and preserve the character, culture, and history of the Westside. The Prosper West San Antonio Board of Directors is composed of 18 members: three residents from Districts 1, 5, 6, or 7; two at-large citizen members; one SAISD representative; one Edgewood ISD representative; three university representatives (St. Mary's, OLLU, UTSA); one University Health System representative; three small-business representatives; one large-business representative; one nonprofit business representative; one financial institution representative; one real estate developer representative; and Councilmembers from Council Districts 1, 5, 6, and 7 who serve as nonvoting ex-officio Members and form the Board's Nomination Committee. Members serve two-year, staggered terms of office. Liaison: Bethany Anderson – (321) 443-3384. Apply for the Prosper West board here.

Public Safety Committee
The Public Safety Committee oversees matter related to public safety associated with fire protection, emergency medical services (EMS), emergency preparedness, police and law enforcement, and animal care services. Staff support: Ashley Venticinque.

RiverWalk Capital Improvements Advisory Board
The River Walk Capital Improvements Advisory Board (RWCIAB) advises the City Council on spending priorities from the River Walk Special Revenue Fund dedicated to capital infrastructure improvements of the River Walk. The board is composed of seven members, of which four are Downtown residents and business representatives and three are designated City department directors. Liaison: Cynthia Martinez – (210) 207-3372. Apply for the RiverWalk Capital Improvements Advisory Board here.

SA Ready to Work Advisory Board
The SA Ready to Work (SARTW) Advisory Board is charged with providing expertise and input to maximize the effectiveness of the Ready to Work workforce development program. SARTW advises Workforce Development Office (WDO) staff on the scope of in-demand occupations, alignment of training with local employer needs, annual allotment of workforce certificate and degree programs from year to year, and levels of wraparound support for clients. SARTW also serves as a Community Program Ambassador, promoting resident participation and employer hiring of participants. The board comprises 11 members, of which nine positions are at-large appointments, and two positions are Councilmember liaisons appointed by the Mayor. The members each serve a two-year term, and a quorum of five voting members is required to conduct business on the board’s agenda. The board meets on the third Thursday of every other month from 1:00 to 3:00 pm at one of our Ready to Work partner agency locations. Please refer to the posted agenda to obtain meeting details. Liaison: Mary Mills Nguyen – 210-207-3934. Apply for the SA Ready to Work Advisory Board here.

San Antonio Arts Commission
The mission of the San Antonio Arts Commission (SAAC) is to advocate for excellent, accessible, and engaging arts and cultural opportunities for the citizens of and visitors to San Antonio, and has the responsibility to work with the Department of Arts and Culture to develop, promote, educate, and preserve San Antonio’s unique artistic and cultural experiences. The SAAC comprises 15 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and four members appointed by the Mayor. Members serve a two-year term of office concurrent with the City Council term. Liaison: Sonia Covarrubias – (210) 207-6968. Apply for the San Antonio Arts Commission here.

San Antonio Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission
The mission of the San Antonio Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission is to promote human equality, the principles of nonviolence, and the understanding and acceptance of racial harmony, understanding, respect, and goodwill among citizens, all as a way of building community among all citizens of San Antonio and across the United States. The San Antonio Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission organizes the annual MLK March and leads the community effort of various events paying tribute to Dr. King. The wide variety of educational, inspirational, and celebratory events takes place at locations across the City. The commission consists of 13 voting members who each serve a two-year term, and 19 non-voting members. The District 2 Councilmember appoints up to 20 commissioners, and the committee chairs may appoint up to 30 additional commissioners serving on its subcommittee. A quorum of seven voting members is required to conduct business on the commission's agenda. Liaison: Dr. Jennifer Mata – 210-207-7892. Apply for the San Antonio Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Commission here.

San Antonio Early Childhood Education Municipal Development Corporation
The San Antonio Early Childhood Education Municipal Development Corporation (SAEDMC) provides strategic direction for Pre-K 4 SA to develop a highly-skilled workforce in one generation through quality early childhood education for all children in San Antonio. The board is composed of 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. The Mayor’s appointee serves as the board Chairperson and presiding officer. A quorum of six voting members is required to conduct business on the board’s agenda. Members serve staggered two-year terms of office. There is no limit on the number of terms a member can serve. Liaison: Paul Aleman – 210-206-2729. Apply for the San Antonio Early Childhood Education Municipal Development Corporation board here.

San Antonio Economic Development Corporation
The San Antonio Economic Development Corporation (SAEDC) is a Type B Corporation authorized under Chapters 501, 502, and 505 of the Texas Local Government Code. The corporation is organized by the City of San Antonio to promote, assist, and enhance economic development activities for the City; to provide an additional tool to invest in economic development projects; achieve a return on investment; and provide funds for future opportunities. The board consists of the Mayor, City Manager, the Chair of the Economic and Community Development Council Committee, the Chair of the Infrastructure and Growth Council Committee, and three at-large citizen members. The three at-large citizen members cannot be employees of the City nor members of the City Council. All members must be residents of the City of San Antonio. Liaison: Jacob Exler – (210) 207-8158. Apply for the San Antonio Economic Development Corporation board here.

San Antonio Housing Trust
The aim of the San Antonio Housing Trust (SAHT) is to align with the City of San Antonio on addressing affordable housing needs for residents. SAHT serves to provide additional and continuing housing opportunities for low and moderate income families; to promote the public health, safety, convenience and welfare by mitigating the extent to which San Antonio’s low and moderate income households are unable to afford decent, safe and sanitary housing within the City of San Antonio; and to revitalize neighborhood and downtown through appropriate housing activities. On June 10, 2021, the City Council approved the governance restructuring for the San Antonio Housing Trust, the San Antonio Housing Trust Foundation, the San Antonio Housing Trust Public Facility Corporation, and the San Antonio Housing Trust Finance Corporation. All four boards will be represented by the same 12 members: three community representatives having experience in housing advocacy, non-profit fundraising, policy making, community engagement, or who reside in an affordable housing unit; three community representatives having experience in real estate, financial underwriting, property development, housing finance, capital markets, lending, construction, property management, or other relevant industry experience; five City Councilmembers; and a one City Department Director. Liaison: Nicole Collazo – (210) 735-2772. View San Antonio Housing Trust meeting agendas. Apply to serve on the San Antonio Housing Trust board.

San Antonio Housing Trust Finance Corporation
On June 10, 2021, the City Council approved the governance restructuring for the San Antonio Housing Trust, the San Antonio Housing Trust Foundation, the San Antonio Housing Trust Public Facility Corporation, and the San Antonio Housing Trust Finance Corporation. All four boards will be represented by the same 12 members: three Community Representatives having experience in housing advocacy, non-profit fundraising, policy making, community engagement, or who reside in an affordable housing unit; three community Representatives having experience in real estate, financial underwriting, property development, housing finance, capital markets, lending, construction, property management, or other relevant industry experience; five City Councilmembers; and one City Department Director. Liaison: Nicole Collazo – (210) 735-2772. View San Antonio Housing Trust meeting agendas. Apply to serve on the San Antonio Housing Trust board.
San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees
The San Antonio Public Library (SAPL) Board of Trustees is responsible for the management, care, control, and maintenance of all library system properties, consisting of the downtown Central Library, 29 library outlets, and a team of more than 550 employees for the delivery of library services to approximately 1.9 million residents in San Antonio and Bexar County. The board is composed of 11 trustees: 10 District-appointed Members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. Trustees each serve a two-year term of office concurrent with the term of the appointing City Councilmember. Liaison: Edward Mayberry – 210-207-2582. Apply for the San Antonio Public Library Board of Trustees here.

San Antonio Water System Board of Trustees (SAWS)
The San Antonio Water System (SAWS) is governed by the SAWS Board of Trustees, which is vested with the complete management, control, and operation of the Water System. The board controls the expenditure and application of the revenues of the system and makes recommendations to the City Council concerning rates, fees, and charges for services rendered by the system. The board consists of six at-large trustees and the Mayor as an ex-officio member. Four SAWS trustees each represent a single quadrant of the utility’s service area. Two trustees each represent the two northern or southern quadrants combined. Trustees must reside either within the area served by SAWS or within the corporate limits of the City. The trustees are appointed by the City Council and each serve a four-year term of office beginning on June 1 and ending on May 31. Trustees are limited to serving two terms of office, unless their first appointment was for the remainder of an unexpired term of office of less than two years. Liaison: Lisa Mireles – (210) 233-3690. View SAWS Board of Trustees meeting agendas. Apply for SAWS Board of Trustees here.

San Antonio Youth Commission
The San Antonio Youth Commission (SAYC) is tasked with advising City Council on matters that directly affect local youth, with the intention of valuing and empowering the City’s youth voice to provide a unique insight into City issues and problems. SAYC provides an outlet to youth to civically engage with the City through advocacy and community service. The commission consists of 22 members: 20 District-appointed members, with each Councilmember appointing two members; and two members appointed by the Mayor. Members each serve a two-year term of office concurrent with the term of the appointing City Councilmember. Members may be reappointed for another two-year term, but are not eligible to serve upon graduation from high school. Liaison: Virginia Villalta – 210-207-1729. Apply for the San Antonio Youth Commission here.

Small Business Advisory Commission
The mission of the Small Business Advisory Commission (SBAC) shall be to review upcoming policies, regulations, and issues affecting small businesses, outside of the Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) ordinance. SBAC provides recommendations to City staff, Mayor, and City Council. The commission is composed of 15 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers, one member appointed by the Mayor, and four at-large citizen members. Members each serve a two-year term of office concurrent with the term of the appointing City Councilmember. The members are appointed as representatives from the following targeted categories: two representatives from small business professional and/or trade organizations, two representatives from nonprofit small business service provider organizations, four small business owners with fewer than 10 employees, four small business owners with 10-50 employees, and three small business owners from specific industries as identified and targeted by the City. Liaison: Jacob Exler – (210) 207-8158. Apply for the Small Business Advisory Commission here.

Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) Committee
The Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) Committee advises the City Manager, the Mayor, and City Council regarding business issues, goals, and related policies concerning small, minority, and women-owned business enterprises and the effectiveness of the City's Small Business Economic Development Advocacy (SBEDA) programs. SBEDA makes recommendations of those small-, minority-, women-owned business enterprises that are ready, willing, and able to do business with the City, under the policies set forth in the SBEDA ordinance. In addition, SBEDA makes recommendations concerning modifications of programs and procedures established in the SBEDA program. The SBEDA Committee comprises 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. Members each serve a two-year term of office concurrent with the term of the appointing City Councilmember. Liaison: Jacob Exler – (210) 207-8158. Apply for the Small Business Economic Development Advocacy Committee here.

Storm Water Management Advisory Board
The Storm Water Management Advisory Board (SWMAB) is an advisory board for the City of San Antonio that was established on January 26, 2023, and was created for the following purposes: Monitor and track the progress and successful completion of drainage projects including the City’s Drainage and Flood Management Bond Proposition; Serve as communication ambassadors to review and advise City Council and City staff on how to improve outreach efforts to residents and businesses affected by construction and other communication initiatives related to drainage and storm water projects as needed; Lead the community process with the assistance of watershed working groups and staff to define and prioritize projects for their respective watersheds and districts not already defined within the Bond brochure; and Ensure a transparent process in prioritizing future City storm water and drainage investments. The SWMAB is composed of 13 members, including: one board chair appointed by the Mayor; three individuals representing the Salado/Cibolo Creek watershed, each appointed from Council Districts 2, 9, and 10; three individuals representing the Leon Creek/Medina River watershed each appointed from Council Districts 4, 6, and 8; three individuals representing the Upper San Antonio River watershed each appointed from Council Districts 1, 3, and 5; one individual representing and appointed by Council District 7; one individual as an environmental representative appointed by the Mayor; and one individual as a development-community representative appointed by the Mayor. Liaison: Mario Hune – (210) 207-0597. Apply for the Storm Water Management Advisory Board here.

Streets, Bridges, and Sidewalks Advisory Board
The Streets, Bridges and Sidewalks Advisory Board (SBSAB) is an advisory board for the City of San Antonio that was established on January 26, 2023, and was created for the following purposes: Monitor and track the progress and successful completion of approved and below-the-line projects included in the City’s Bond Streets, Bridges, and Sidewalks Bond Proposition; Serve as communication ambassadors to review and advise City Council and City staff on how to improve outreach efforts to residents and businesses affected by construction and other communication initiatives related to streets, bridges, and sidewalk projects as needed; Lead the community process with staff’s assistance to define and prioritize projects for their respective district not already defined within the bond brochure; and Ensure a transparent process in prioritizing future City street, bridge, and sidewalk investments. The board is composed of 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. Members each serve a two-year term of office concurrent with the term of the appointing City Councilmember. Liaison: Jessica Shirley-Saenz – (210) 207-8022. Apply for the Streets, Bridges, and Sidewalks Advisory Board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 06 - Mission Del Lago
The mission of the Mission Del Lago Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board comprises nine members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Board members are residents of the county in which the zone is located or a county adjacent to that county, or own real property in the zone. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Mission Del Lago TIRZ board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 09 - Houston Street
The mission of the Houston Street Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the TIRZ where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of seven members. Representatives include representatives at the local level. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Houston Street TIRZ board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 10 - Stablewood Farms
The mission of the Stablewood Farms Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of nine members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Board members are residents of the county in which the zone is located or a county adjacent to that county, or own real property in the zone. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Stablewood Farms TIRZ board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 11 - Inner City
The mision of the Inner City Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of 15 members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local level. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Inner City TIRZ board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 12 - Plaza Fortuna
The mission of the Plaza Fortuna Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board comprises 11 members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Board members are residents of the county in which the zone is located or a county adjacent to that county, or own real property in the zone. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Plaza Fortuna TIRZ board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 13 - Lackland Hills
The mission of the Lackland Hills Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of 11 members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Lackland Hills TIRZ board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 15 - North East Crossing
The mission of the Northeast Crossing Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board comprises 11 members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the North East Crossing TIRZ board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 16 - Brooks City Base
The mission of the Brooks City Base Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of five members. Board members are residents of the county in which the zone is located or a county adjacent to that county, or own real property in the zone. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Brooks City Base TIRZ board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 17 - Mission Creek
The mission of the Mission Creek Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of 11 members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Mission Creek TIRZ board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 19 - Hallie Heights
The mission of the Hallie Heights Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of 11 members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Hallie Heights TIRZ board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 21 - Heather's Cove
The mission of the Heather’s Cove Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of 11 members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Heather's Cove TIRZ board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 25 - Hunter's Pond
The mission of the Hunter’s Pond Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of nine members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Hunter's Pond TIRZ here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 28 - Verano
The mission of the Verano Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of 13 members. Board members include members at large in society and representatives at the local level. Board members are either residents of the county in which the zone is located or a county adjacent to that county, or they own real property in the zone. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Verano TIRZ Board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 30 - Westside
The mission of the Tax Incremental Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) - 30 Westside Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board comprises seven members. Board members include five at-large citizen members from the community and Councilmembers of Districts 1 and 5 serving as ex-officio members. At-large citizen board members are either residents of the county in which the zone is located or of a county adjacent to that county, or they own real property in the zone. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Westside TIRZ Board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 31 - Midtown
The mission of the Midtown Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board was composed of 15 members. Board members include members at large in society and representatives at the local level. Board members are residents of the county in which the zone is located or a county adjacent to that county, or own real property in the zone. In 2022, the Midtown TIRZ was reduced to nine members. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Midtown TIRZ Board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 32 - Mission Drive-In
The mission of the Mission Drive-In Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of seven members. Board members include members at large in society and representatives at the local level. Board members are residents of the county in which the zone is located or a county adjacent to that county, or own real property in the zone. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Mission Drive-In TIRZ Board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 33 - Northeast Corridor
The mission of the Northeast Corridor Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of seven members. Board members include members at large in society and representatives at the local level. Board members are residents of the county in which the zone is located or a county adjacent to that county, or own real property in the zone. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Northeast Corridor TIRZ Board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 34 - Hemisfair
The mission of the Hemisfair Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of five members. Representatives include representatives at the local level. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Hemisfair TIRZ Board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 35 - Tarasco Gardens
The mission of the Tarasco Gardens Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of nine members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Tarasco Gardens TIRZ Board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 36 - Thea Meadows
The mission of the Thea Meadows Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of nine members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Thea Meadows TIRZ Board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 37 - Nabors
The mission of the Nabors Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of seven members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Nabors TIRZ Board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 38 - Somerset Grove
The mission of the Somerset Grove Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of seven members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Somerset Grove TIRZ Board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 39 - Valley Sol
The mission of the Valley Sol Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of seven members. Representatives include members at large in society and representatives at the local, state, and federal levels. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Valley Sol TIRZ Board here.

Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone No. 40 - Lone Oak
The mission of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) No. 40 - Lone Oak Board is to promote development or redevelopment of the Tax Increment Reinvestment Zone (TIRZ) No. 40 where development or redevelopment would not occur solely through private investment in the reasonably foreseeable future. The board is composed of seven members. Representatives include at-large members and representatives at the state level. Liaison: Fedra Hildebrandt – 210-207-3382. Apply for the Lone Oak board here.

Transportation Advisory Board
The Transportation Advisory Board (TAB) reviews and makes recommendations to the Director of the San Antonio Police Department regarding City ordinances, rules, and regulations on the licensing and regulatory review process for transportation services licensed by the City. These services include taxicabs, limousines, tours, charters, pedicabs, horse carriages, and group cycles. The board is composed of 11 voting members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor; and five non-voting members from the following City departments: Aviation, Center City Development and Operations (CCDO), Transportation; Visit San Antonio; and VIA Metropolitan Transit. Voting members each serve a two-year term of office concurrent with the term of the appointing City Councilmember and a quorum of six voting members is required to conduct business on the TAB's agenda. Liaison: Gary Gilbert – (210) 207-2748. Apply for the Transportation Advisory Board here.

Transportation and Infrastructure Committee
Transportation and Infrastructure Committee reviews policies, plans, and programs designed to enhance connectivity and mobility of all kinds, including the City’s capital improvement plans, select air service enhancements (SAT’s Strategic Development Plan updates shall be presented to the full City Council), congestion reduction projects, transit improvements – to include VIA’s Advanced Rapid Transit projects, as well as other multimodal transportation options – along with the greenway trail system development. Staff support: Stephanie Flores Rice – (210) 207-7453.

Veterans Advisory Commission
The mission of the City Commission on Veterans' Affairs (CCVA) is to serve the Mayor and City Council in an advisory capacity on issues affecting the City's military population, both active and retired. These issues include elderly services, disabled services, homelessness, affordable housing, health, and employment. The commission serves as the community's liaison and advocate for veterans' affairs and makes recommendations for improving services. The commission will consider the impact of any future base realignments and closures to the City's military population, and also act as a clearinghouse on the many services available to veterans. These advisory roles include addressing legislative issues affecting the City's military population, both active and retired; serving as the community's liaison and advocate for Veterans' affairs; advising the City Council on issues affecting San Antonio veterans and their families; and making recommendations for improving the City’s services. The commission is composed of 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. Commissioners serve overlapping two-year staggered terms of office and may serve no more than three two-year terms. Liaison: Nathan Roberts – 210-207-2712. Apply for the City Commission on Veterans' Affairs here.

VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority
VIA Metropolitan Transit owns, manages, and operates the local transit system under the authority found in Chapter 451 of the Texas Transportation Code. The VIA Metropolitan Transit Board of Trustees is composed of 11 members representing various entities: five San Antonio City Council representatives, three Bexar County Commissioners Court representatives, and two suburban Mayors. Each member serves a staggered two-year term. The Chair of the Board is elected by the board members and serves a two-year term. Liaison: Debra Longoria – (210) 299-5873 View VIA Metropolitan Transit Authority meeting agendas. Apply for the VIA Metropolitan Transit Board of Trustees here.

Zoning Board of Adjustment
The mission of the Board of Adjustment is to deliver quality City services, and commit to achieving San Antonio's vision of prosperity for its diverse, vibrant, and historic community. The board is composed of 18 members: 11 are district representatives and seven are at-large representatives. The seven at-large members serve as alternate members and attend meetings in the absence of a district representative. All board members serve a two-year term of office. Liaison: Dezarae Leal – 210-207-0261. Apply for the Zoning Board of Adjustment here.

Zoning Commission
The Zoning Commission is responsible for conducting public hearings related to zoning change requests. The commission conducts public hearings and recommends the appropriate boundaries of zoning districts, and recommends changes to the regulation to be enforced in those zoning districts to City Council. Additionally, the Zoning Commission prepares a final report for the City Council on recommendations for change in zoning district boundaries or regulations in zoning districts. The commission is composed of 11 members: 10 District-appointed members appointed by their respective Councilmembers and one member appointed by the Mayor. Commissioners serve overlapping two-year terms of office. Liaison: Melissa Quiroz – 210-207-7720 . Apply for the Zoning Commission here.
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