About the project

The purpose of the study is to relieve congestion and enhance safety on Lithia Pinecrest Road. The study will identify and evaluate potential improvements to Lithia Pinecrest Road from Fishhawk Boulevard approximately 6.2 miles to Lumsden Road, and on Bloomingdale Avenue from Culbreath Road to Pearson Road, as shown on the map below. The total project length is 7.5 miles.

Safe mobility for all roadway users, regardless of mode of travel, will be considered and incorporated into the study and the alternatives evaluated. Alternatives are being generated based on the result of a traffic analysis and feedback provided by the community. These alternatives may include:

  • Widening for additional through lane capacity
  • Access management improvements to incorporate turn lanes onto side streets
  • Intersection analysis to evaluate roundabout alternatives and other intersection configurations
  • Improved pedestrian and bicycle accommodations including shared-use paths, a connected sidewalk system, buffered bike lanes, mid-block crossings, etc.
  • Moderating travel speeds to improve safety through reduced lane widths, lane deflections, landscaping, and context-based roadway treatments, etc.

Quick facts

(CIP# 6964900)  


Location: Eastern Hillsborough County (Brandon, Valrico, and Lithia), District 4


Project Type: Roadway Improvements


Current Project Phase: Preliminary Engineering/PD&E

Project Objectives:

  • Construct roadway improvements on Lithia Pinecrest Road from Fishhawk Boulevard approximately 6.2 miles to Lumsden Road, and on Bloomingdale Avenue from Culbreath Road to Pearson Road, for a total project length of 7.5 miles
  • Relieve congestion on Lithia Pinecrest Road and Bloomingdale Avenue; and enhance safe mobility for all roadway users, regardless of mode of travel.


Estimated Project Schedule:

Project Development Completion: Early 2025

Preliminary Design Completion: To be determined

Land Acquisition/Final Design Completion: To be determined

Construction Completion: To be determined


Project Cost Estimate:

Total: $216 million

Project Development: $ 6 million (currently funded)

Design: $10 million (unfunded)


Land Acquisition: $ 36 million (unfunded)

Construction: $ 164 million (unfunded)


Note: The cost and schedule data shown here are the County's current estimates and are subject to change. 


Survey Questions


Question title

What type of landscaping would you like to see along this project?

What type of landscaping would you like to see along this project?

The PD&E Study is evaluating the type of landscaping that could be utilized along this corridor. Please provide your input on the use of trees or shrubs along the roadway. Also, please provide any landscaping ideas you would like to be considered in this study.

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Question title

Would you like to see more mid-block pedestrian crossing opportunities?

Would you like to see more mid-block pedestrian crossing opportunities?

The PD&E Study is evaluating the use of mid-block pedestrian crossings along the corridor. Please provide your input on the preference for mid-block pedestrian crossings. Also, please provide any ideas for pedestrian crossings you would like to be considered in this study.

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Question title

What features would you like to see along the shared use paths?

What features would you like to see along the shared use paths?

The PD&E Study will provide for shared use paths along both sides of Lithia Pinecrest Road through the length of the project. Please provide your input on the types of features that can be provided along the shared use path to make the experience more enjoyable. Also, please provide any ideas for other features you would like to see along the shared use paths.

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Question title

How would you like us to moderate travel speeds along the corridor?

How would you like us to moderate travel speeds along the corridor?

The PD&E Study is evaluating the anticipated travel speeds along the project. The team is evaluating various tools that can be used to moderate travel speeds, including the use of roundabouts, chicanes, mid-block pedestrian crossings and signal spacings. Please provide your input on what other speed moderation techniques you would like us to consider.

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Question title

Please select your intersection preference below for Lithia Pinecrest Road at Fishhawk Boulevard.

Please select your intersection preference below for Lithia Pinecrest Road at Fishhawk Boulevard.

The PD&E Study is evaluating two intersection options at the intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at Fishhawk Boulevard. The two options are a proposed signalized intersection and a proposed roundabout intersection. A conceptual layout of both intersection options is shown above.

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Question title

Please select your intersection preference below for the intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at Lithia Springs Road.

Please select your intersection preference below for the intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at Lithia Springs Road.

The PD&E Study is evaluating two intersection options at the intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at Lithia Springs Road. The two options are a proposed full median opening and a proposed roundabout intersection. A conceptual layout of both intersection options is shown above.

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Question title

Please select your intersection preference for the intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at New River Hills Parkway / River Drive.

Please select your intersection preference for the intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at New River Hills Parkway / River Drive.

The PD&E Study is evaluating two intersection options at the intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at New River Hills Parkway / River Drive. The two options are a proposed signalized intersection and a proposed roundabout intersection. A conceptual layout of both intersection options is shown above.

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Question title

Please select your intersection preference for the intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at Adelaide Avenue / Lithia Ridge Boulevard.

Please select your intersection preference for the intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at Adelaide Avenue / Lithia Ridge Boulevard.

The PD&E Study is evaluating two intersection options at the intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at Adelaide Avenue / Lithia Ridge Boulevard. The two options are a proposed signalized intersection and a proposed roundabout intersection. A conceptual layout of both intersection options is shown above.

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Question title

Please select your intersection preference for intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at Guiles Road / Chelsea Woods Drive.

Please select your intersection preference for intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at Guiles Road / Chelsea Woods Drive.

The PD&E Study is evaluating two intersection options at the intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at Guiles Road / Chelsea Woods Drive. The two options are proposed directional median openings and a proposed roundabout intersection. A conceptual layout of both intersection options is shown above.

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Question title

Please select your intersection preference for intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at Lorea Lane / Chickasaw Trail.

Please select your intersection preference for intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at Lorea Lane / Chickasaw Trail.

The PD&E Study is evaluating two intersection options at the intersection of Lithia Pinecrest Road at Lorea Lane / Chickasaw Trail. The two options are proposed directional median openings and a proposed roundabout intersection. A conceptual layout of both intersection options is shown above.

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Question title

Please select your intersection preference for the intersection of Bloomingdale Avenue at Pearson Road.

Please select your intersection preference for the intersection of Bloomingdale Avenue at Pearson Road.

The PD&E Study is evaluating two intersection options at the intersection of Bloomingdale Avenue at Pearson Road. The two options are a proposed signalized intersection and a proposed roundabout intersection. A conceptual layout of both intersection options is shown above.

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Tell us about you


Question title

Please select the statement that most closely describes your relationship to this project (select one):

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Question title

Please indicate below how close you live to the proposed project site?

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Question title

Please provide your zip code.

Question title

How did you hear about this project?

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Question title

What gender do you identify as?

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Question title

Which of the following describes your racial or ethnic identity? Check all that apply.

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Question title

What is your age?

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Question title

What is your marital status?

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Question title

The contact information below is optional. Complete the fields below if you would like to participate in future engagement opportunities to share your input on key topics.
Visit HCFLGov.net/HCEngage to learn about outreach and listening efforts that shape the future of our community.

Open House

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

 5:30 PM

Bloomingdale High School Cafeteria

1700 E. Bloomingdale Ave. Valrico, FL 33596